As a Protestant turned Catholic - I absolutely LOVE the Good Friday services, especially the Veneration of the Cross. It was especially meaningful when I was going through chemo and my hands were swelling and very painful on the weeks I took chemo; Jesus knew what I was feeling - His own hands had been pierced and were raw and painful.

Catholics do understand that as believers in Christ we are all one Christian community, BUT it's the understanding of communion, Eucharist (thanksgiving), that we disagree on - in the Catholic understanding, John 6 is literal - this *IS* My Body; this *IS* My blood - it is NOT a symbol or representation.

Jesus made Peter His instrument on earth, building His Church on him. He gave him the faculties to bind and loose sin and to call down the power of the Holy Spirit to confect the Sacrament of turning the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus - as evidenced in Eucharistic miracles that have been scientifically tested and proven (see Lanciano). See also the Road to Emmaus story: Jesus blessed and broke the bread and vanished from their sight! Why? Because He was IN the bread and the wine and no longer needed to be there in physical form with them. Easter Blessings, Traci!

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