7 Things → Media, conversions, papal tiaras, offer it up, butternut squash recipes
I wanted to read up on a current event topic this past week, and just skimming the headlines showed incredible media bias. Is there such a thing as a neutral media outlet?
I’d love to hear where you get your news from. Drop me an email.
These times we live in have me wanting to learn more about critical thinking, an essential skill. Here are a few books I’ve read or am considering:
Check It Out | Check It Out | Check It Out
As many of you know, I’m taking classes to be confirmed in the Catholic church, so I was especially intrigued to learn JD Vance had gone through this process.
Of course, there are always two sides (at least) to every story.
Some things I’ve considered these past few months. #1 - papal authority (in history)
Things I’ve considered #2, so many new-to-me terms, such as the phrase “offer it up.”
I’ve taken an interest in cooking more with squash. Oh, the health benefits and variety!